Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for ICE CREAM!

Ok, so I'm going to give this sweepsteaks thing a try. In today's paper there was an article calling for neighborhoods across America to enter a sweepsteaks for a chance to win an Edy's Ice Cream Party. YEAH! I'm all about ice cream! So, I went online to view the rules. To qualify, you must submit an essay of 350 words or less stating why your neighborhood should win. So far, here's what I've got.......

We have a great place for a party! Located in our neighborhood is a field begging for a game of soccer, kite flying, cookouts, and yes, ICE CREAM PARTIES! Located in a small town, our neighborhood is within walking distance of downtown where young families are moving in, while a number of seniors are living in the place they've called home for 50 years. It's a place where front proches are used and everybody know your name.

So far, that's 77 words. Obviously, I've got more work to do, but I'm reminded of the time several years ago when I was given the name of the regional editor of Southern Living Magazine. Armed with this information, I decided to put together a press packet to send, in hopes that maybe, just maybe he would read it. I knew it had to be compelling, so I put forth my best effort, complete with a dissertation and photos with circles and arrows, stating what each one meant (that's a line from Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant - my favorite Thanksgiving Day ballad). Well, lo and behold, after a few follow-up phone calls and polite emails, he agreed to entertain my request. I was so excited! His visit was lots of fun and the adventure taught me some things about Newton that even I didn't know about - and this is the town I grew up in! Anyway, the article of Newton, including the Trott House Inn, appeared in the November 2005 edition of Southern Living Magazine. This was the year the town celebrated its sesquicentennial, and Newton was buzzing with excitement when the publication hit the shelves!

I'm calling on my neighbors to weigh-in on this one. How would you complete this essay? An ice cream sundae is riding on it!

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